Year 9 Camps
Year 9 Camps
Last week our Year 9 students participated in 10 camps held over various locations around NZ for our annual Year 9 camps. Click here for pics

The camps are specifically designed for the students to work together within their groups to reach a successful outcome.  It is a unique opportunity for the boys to push themselves outside of their comfort zones and excel in their personal areas of strength developing resilience, perseverance, courage and confidence. For some students the experience of camping, cooking for themselves and being away from home is a huge achievement in itself. Overall the camp is a wonderful experience and a highlight of the students’ schooling life, creating lifelong memories and friendships.  

We would like to say a HUGE heartfelt thank you to all the staff who help make the camps possible. 

We are grateful for the donations received so far, and if you wish to donate still, please click here

Surf Camp





Taranaki 2 (Rotated)

Taranaki (Rotated)



Taranaki 3 (Rotated)



This article was originally posted on: December, 15th 2022