Flashback to the 1982 Centennial Celebrations. Over 1800 arrived from throughout the country, with fifty from overseas.
'Old Boys and visitors were quick in their praise for the fabric of the school in which in the previous decade had been extensively upgraded. The grounds had been well-groomed for the occasion by teams of Board members, PTA members, staff and boys.
Twelve hundred and fifty attended the Opening Ceremony, the overflow watched the proceedings from a closed circuit link in the dining room. The presence in the official party of their Excellencies, Sir David and Lady Beattie, the Minister of Education, Hon. M.L. Wellington, the Deputy Director of Education, Mr J. Ross, the Mayor, Mr D. Lean and County Chairman, Mr D. Balsom (the last four all Old Boys) was a recognition of the reputation of the school in the community throughout the country.
In no way did the rain of the howling edge of cyclone Bernie dampen the spirits of the weekend. Two Old Boys, were nearly hit by tiles dislodged by the gale, giving them something more concrete to remember the day by.'